Ethics Policy

Ethical Policy

Selworkschicago Ethical Policy

  1. Commitment to Accuracy:

At Selworkschicago, we prioritize delivering accurate and thoroughly researched news. Our team of journalists and editors ensures that every piece of information is fact-checked and corroborated by multiple trustworthy sources. Should inaccuracies arise, we will immediately address and rectify them.

  1. Upholding Independence:

Our editorial team operates with complete independence, free from any political or commercial pressures. We are dedicated to presenting news objectively, ensuring that our content remains unbiased. Opinion pieces, when published, will be clearly marked.

  1. Accountability and Openness:

Transparency is a cornerstone of our operations. We will openly disclose any conflicts of interest that might arise among our staff, contributors, or sponsors. We value feedback and will address any concerns our readers might have promptly.

  1. Protecting Privacy:

The privacy of our readers is paramount. We ensure that personal data is not collected without explicit consent and refrain from sharing such data with third parties unless fully disclosed and agreed upon.

  1. Championing Diversity:

Selworkschicago is committed to showcasing a variety of perspectives. We actively work to prevent discrimination in our content and aim for a fair representation of all communities.

  1. Reporting with Sensitivity:

We approach our stories with empathy and sensitivity, especially when they might have a direct impact on individuals or communities. Sensationalism is avoided, and we ensure that our content respects the privacy and dignity of those featured.

  1. Addressing Mistakes:

If inaccuracies are identified, we act swiftly to correct and acknowledge them. Our corrections policy is transparent and easily accessible to our readers.

  1. Originality and Crediting:

We stand firmly against plagiarism. All content is original, and when referencing external sources, proper attribution is given.

  1. Distinguishing Content:

Editorial content is kept separate from advertising or sponsored content. Any sponsored content is clearly labeled, ensuring our readers can differentiate between the two.

  1. Adherence to Legal Standards:

Selworkschicago operates within the confines of the law, adhering to all relevant journalistic and digital media regulations, including those related to copyright, libel, and defamation.

  1. Community Engagement:

Recognizing our societal role, we actively engage with our community, ensuring our journalism contributes positively and responsibly.

  1. Pursuit of Excellence:

We are dedicated to the continuous improvement and education of our team, ensuring they uphold the highest ethical standards in journalism. Our ethical policy is regularly reviewed to ensure it remains current and effective.